Screaming From the Top of the Mountain: Q&A with Ask Carol
Photo Credit: Ask Carol
Roughly 200 miles north of Oslo, in eastern Norway, sits the township of Auma. With a population of about 100, the community is home to the alt-rock psychedelic duo Ask Carol. The band, made up of Mr. Ask on drums and Carol on guitars and vocals, makes the kind of music that echoes throughout the Scandinavian mountains. On their debut album, Act I: Control You, Ask Carol sounds resilient, in control and ready to take it all on.
The tones on the album alternate between slow and peaceful to loud and hostile. On the album’s opening track “Control You,” the music and vocals slowly intensify with each passing minute. The distant screams work to accentuate the build up that eventually ends in catharsis. The song “Quiet One” tries to rationalize self-criticism and explores the mind’s ability to play tricks. On the upbeat “Run With You,” think The Kills here, the band dives into alt-pop rock. This album could only have been written and recorded in a place of isolation such as Auma, where one is alone with their own thoughts.
These songs, recorded during the covid lockdown, serve as a dialogue. Whether that discourse takes place internally or with other forces, Carol lets us in on the conversation. To learn more about the record, Soundvsystem got in touch via email.
First off, you’ve been busy traveling and filming. Where are you both now and what are you working on at the moment?
At the moment we are in Auma, in the Eastern valley in Norway. Here is our music studio and our DIY film studio. We’re working on preparing for the album release in August and a gig out in Western Norway this coming weekend.
After releasing a few singles, you are getting ready to put out a full- length album. Can you talk about the recording process?
It was recorded last year, in the Summer and Fall of 2021. Many of the tracks were recorded semi-live in Carol’s living room. After having those basic tracks, the rest was recorded in the time between video filming, and the few small gigs we had last year.
The band’s music feels very raw with heavily distorted guitars, drums and minimal use of synthesizers. It creates this harmony when you film yourselves playing music in rural environments like snow-capped mountains or among livestock. Does playing in those spaces impact the way you compose music?
Yes, we definitely think so. Being and living in these majestic surroundings, and the fact that it is very cold and very dark for most (too much :P) of the year, certainly reflects in our music. You can hear it in the melancholy and the melodies and tonality of the songs, and also in the dark backdrop and sometimes ironic undertones, that seems to seep into even the happiest and most upbeat of our songs
You incorporate animation in your social media posts and music videos. What inspired you to use cartoon versions of yourselves?
This comes from Carol’s drawings, which used to be just a pastime, birthed out of the fact that she (and we both, when we studied together) simply were just bored in class. When the teacher talked about some random guy who made some weird opera in the 1500s France, it was much more fun to draw.
The band started self-releasing music in 2019 under ChoVan Records. What was it like to move from an indie label to putting out your own music?
It was interesting and a lot of work. Releasing music is a lot more work than you really think about when the record label does it. But it is great to have control, and know that things get done. And it is a fun (not always though 😅) and exciting learning process.
The track “Mountains of Cash'' calls out financial inequality, while also mocking those who have fallen into a trap of superficiality. What prompted you to write the song?
It’s been brewing for a long time, but probably one notable thing that influenced the writing of the song was when Trump won the election in the US. It is not about that specifically, but that was sort of a trigger for writing the song.
Is there a particular track on the album that you’re excited about?
Yeah, we’re pretty excited about the title track. Can’t wait to show you guys that. It is the first song on the album. It is almost like a little symphony, a song we have been working on for a long time. It was the start of the whole album back in 2019, before Covid put all plans on hold.
The band has a very DIY (do-it-yourself) element to it - you design the merch, shoot the videos and self-release music. Did that come from your punk influences?
Yeah, that is probably a part of it. We love the punky DIY style. We also think hip hop from when we grew up in the 90s had more of a DIY style to it, which there is not much left of these days, haha. A big part of it is also that here where we live and are based, there simple isn’t any other people our age.😛 It is just us, so we simply have no choice, we have to do it all ourselves. When this Covid-era ends, hopefully we can travel more and meet more people, and we are seriously considering relocating to somewhere with a bit more like minded people.
Are there other Norwegian artists that you’re excited about?
Oh, yeah, there are many great bands here. And it is good to see that some actual bands (not just solo singers) get some traction, like for example Pom Poko or Aiming For Enrike. They both have cool music.
Anything else you want people to know about Ask Carol?
The album is coming on August 26th! We also have a physical copy, a CD. We are working on getting vinyl as well, but it is very expensive to make.
Act I: Control You is out now on ChoVan Records. You can catch Ask Carol on their fall tour:
September 16 - Oslo, Norway - Herr Nilsen
October 21 - Arendal, Norway - Munkehaugen scene
October 22 - Kristiansand, Norway - Vaktbua
October 28 - Gjøvik, Norway - INNPULS
November 4 - Moss, Norway - Verket Scene
November 5 - Oslo, Norway - Revolver
December 16 - Tromsø, Norway - Bastard Bar
December 27 - Kongsvinger, Norway - Vinger Blues & Rock Club
The album can be purchased directly from Ask Carol on CD here. To learn more about the vinyl version of the album, head here. The album can also be streamed on Spotify and other platforms. Follow Ask Carol on Instagram and Facebook.
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